Fascia/CST Bodywork
A video about how CST/Fascia bodywork is helpful for Infant Feeding, Torticollis and head shape issues
It is not unusual for me to get a frantic call over the weekend from a new mother. An inconsolable baby, breastfeeding difficulties, even general fussiness, all of these can drive a family to distraction. We try to keep a few appointments open so we can get these babies in as quickly as possible.
In my practice I have seen remarkable changes in cranky babies from just a handful of craniosacral sessions, and often things improve after the first visit. Infants and young children have very pliable connective tissue; they have the ability to make big changes in small amounts of time. We schedule a one-hour visit for the first appointment and only require 30 minutes for subsequent appointments. Some challenges, such as torticollis or issues around head shape, may take more visits to shift. Treatments are usually a blend of craniosacral therapy, very gentle infant massage, tummy time and/or abdominal therapy depending on the issue at hand. I have trained with Alison Hazelbaker, PhD, IBCLC, CST, RCST to learn particular techniques for the newborn tongue, mouth, and whole body. Her tongue tie assessment tool is considered the standard for lactation professionals. I was a La Leche League Leader for six years so I bring the experience of helping hundreds of new families work through infant challenges to my CST practice as well as my own experience as a mother of two daughters. |
What happens during a typical infant appointment:
Classes I have taken relative to infants, breastfeeding and tongue tie (tethered oral tissues):
This is a great video showing how the baby and the breast work together. Notice the way the tongue has to move with a wave-like motion along the top of the palate. Also notice how the closing of the epiglottis has to be coordinated with the swallow of the bolus of milk. There are many structural pieces that need to be moving together. Please give the video a couple of minutes to load or go to https://youtu.be/0wIlCAnf3fM |
My blog post:
Breastfeeding as Baby's Bodywork. An excellent article Craniosacral Therapy: When Can It Help http://www.breastfeedingonline.com/craniosacral.htm#sthash.Jtg4FtAF.dpbs LLLI article: Considering Craniosacral Therapy in Difficult Situations http://www.llli.org/llleaderweb/lv/lvaugsep01p82.html This is an article about the importance of the tongue and how CST can work with the tongue. http://www.massagemag.com/the-tongue-how-craniosacral-therapy-can-help-this-important-muscle-6274/ A video specific to how anterior and posterior tongue ties affect the motions necessary for breastfeeding is here.